the center in focus

A successful region

The Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region values diversity and local lifestyles, working to improve areas such as mobility, health, education, science and technology,
The excellence of teaching and the generation of knowledge, in its various forms, is one of the bastions of this region.
The Intermunicipal Comunity of Coimbra Region offers around 11 thousand beds in tourist accommodation, distributed over 179 establishments
The Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region has more that 50 thousand companies within its territory, creating highest value among Portuguese Intermunicipal Communities.


In accordance with and for the purposes of the provisions of No. 6 of Article 2 of Law No. 75/2013 of 12 September, it is made public knowledge that the statutes available on the button below were approved by the Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community's Intermunicipal Assembly at its meeting on 14 January 2014.

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