What we do

The Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community performs tasks and assumes responsibilities in several areas, including:
  • CIED
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Administrative Modernization

  • Transportation
  • Training
  • Education
  • Culture

  • Tourism
  • Communication
The duties of the Coimbra region intermunicipal community are set out in article 81 of Law No. 75/2013 of 12 September, covering:
The pursuit of the following public goals:
— Promotion of the planning and management of the strategy for economic, social and environmental development for the territory covered;
— Coordination of municipal investments of intermunicipal interest;
— Taking part in the management of regional development support programs, in particular in the management and/or contractualisation of Community funds;
— Planning the supramunicipal actions of public entities.
The coordination of activities between its 19 municipalities and the Central Administration services, in the following areas:
— Public supply networks, basic sanitation infrastructure, wastewater and urban waste treatment;
— Health equipment network;
— Educational and vocational training network;
— Land-use planning, nature conservation and natural resources;
— Security and civil protection;
— Mobility and transportation;
— Networks of public facilities;
— Promotion of economic, social and cultural development;
— Network of cultural, sports and leisure facilities.
Exercise the duties transferred by the State administration and the joint exercise of the competences delegated by the municipalities that integrate them, in accordance with the legislation in force.
Designate local authority representatives for public entities and business entities whenever the representation is of an intermunicipal nature.